Year In Review: Celebrating a year of podcasting!

I am often asked, “How are you doing?” “What has changed?” “What’s still working?” “What have you learned?” in the past year of podcasting, while in the midst of a global pandemic and during a transition back to work from a year-long sabbatical. Short answer? Good. Lots. Some things. More than I expected. Seriously though. This year has been an incredible opportunity to learn from other women. To check myself. To maintain my boundaries. To prioritize my family. To laugh more. To articulate my needs. To recognize that while I changed, I re-entered a system that very much stayed the same. It has been hard some days. I learned I still have lots of learning to do, grace is very much needed, fresh starts are key, and that I can’t underestimate the power of attending to basic needs. Tune in for a life update. Celebrate with me. You’ve been here for this journey and I think we should cheer for that. Cheers to life! 


Addy Wissel