A Reflection on Motherhood.

Motherhood is beautiful and hard. Really beautiful and really hard. And while the whole experience is supposed to be natural…there are many ways in which it isn’t the case. In an effort to increase our compassion and empathy for one another and in honor of Mother’s Day, this week I reflect on my journey in motherhood. A rocky, joyful, lovely, and scary experience. We have to make it ok to be wildly fulfilled by motherhood. We must open our hearts to those mamas who are feeling overwhelmed and even frustrated on the hard days and seasons. We have to normalize and acknowledge those who are wishing and praying for a baby. And we have to give space to those mamas who are missing their angel babies. We must also have space in our heart for this with children who are struggling, feeling sadness, and regret. Join me in lifting up the women around us!

Addy Wissel