Episode 11: You don’t have to settle, Girl, pursue your own dreams! A conversation with Stephanie Hendrick.

Feeling called to do something different? Some more? And not something more as in “let’s add more to your plate,” but more...something more joyful, more meaningful, more creative, innovative, satisfying? Remember, this podcast emerged from my own “nudge” to do more.

In this episode, I talk with Stephanie Hendrick, the author and founder of Meant for More, a space for women who want to challenge barriers and change their mindset in pursuing their own purpose. Stephanie shares her personal journey and ideas for women who are feeling a nudge do something more!

You can connect with Stephanie on Instagram @stephanie_hendrick and at stephaniehendrick.com.


Deliberate Strength: @deliberate_strength; deliberatestrength.co

miFlavour: @miFlavour; miflavour.com

Addy Wissel